Jan 26, 2017
Suffering from The Walking Dead break withdrawals? Never fear; we are hear to feed your The Walking Dead addiction! Susie Graham from Undead Walking joins Kim and Lizzie to talk about their favorite scenes from the series. Listen and share your favorite scenes with Brains Gone Bad on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...
Jan 20, 2017
Suffering from The Walking Dead break withdrawals? Never fear; we are hear to feed your The Walking Dead addiction! Bill from Bunjee's Comics joins Kim and Lizzie to talk about their favorite scenes from the series. Listen and share your favorite scenes with Brains Gone Bad on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or...
Jan 16, 2017
Suffering from The Walking Dead break withdrawals? Never fear; we are hear to feed your The Walking Dead addiction! Allie from The Dead Connection joins Kim and Lizzie to talk about their favorite scenes from the series. Listen and share your favorite scenes with Brains Gone Bad on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or...
Jan 15, 2017
Suffering from The Walking Dead break withdrawals? Never fear; we are hear to feed your The Walking Dead addiction! Jason from The Walking Dead 'Cast joins Kim and Lizzie to talk about their favorite scenes from the series. Listen and share your favorite scenes with Brains Gone Bad on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...
Jan 3, 2017
Suffering from The Walking Dead break withdrawals? Never fear; we are hear to feed your The Walking Dead addiction! Kelli from Rantpocalypse.com and The Ranting Dead joins Kim and Lizzie to talk about their favorite scenes. Listen and share your favorite scenes with Brains Gone Bad on Facebook, Twitter and...